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I would like to introduce myself. I'm Mrs Sulistyowati,S.Pd and this is my blog. Please read it and you will get knowledge about English Language.!!

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Please read my blog

Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011


Words called articles/determiners are used to signal nouns.( Kata  yang disebut penentu digunakan untuk menandai kata benda). example: a river, a castle, an armchair, an idea, three biscuits, five eggs.
The article an is used before nouns that begins with the vowels a,i,u,e,o.( Artikel an digunakan sebelum kata benda yang dimulai dengan kata benda yang diawali dengan huruf hidup a,i,u,e,o) example: an artist, an oven, an eye, an umbrella, an insect.
The article a is used before nouns that begins with the other letters called consonants. Artikel a digunakan sebelum kata benda yang dimulai dengan huruf/abjad lain yang disebut konsonan.
But some words don't follow these rules. Tetapi beberapa kata tidak mengikuti aturan-aturan ini.
a uniform, a unit, a user.
a not an is used because the vowel u in these words is pronounced like the word you. ( a bukan an digunakan dalam kata -kata diatas karena huruf u di kata diatas diucapkan seperti kata yu:).
an hour, an heir, an honor.
an not a is used because the consonant in this word is not pronounced/mute. ( an bukan a dugunakan karena huruf mati (h) dalam kata -kata diatas tidak diucapkan).

*Nouns that end in s,ss,ch,sh,x are made plural by adding -es.(Kata benda yang berakhiran s,ss,ch,sh dan x dibuat jamak dengan menambahkan -es).Example: bus-buses, grass-grasses, witch-witches, brush-brushes, box-boxes.
*Most nouns that end in -y are made plural by changing the y to i and adding -es. ( Kebanyakan kata benda yang berakhiran -y dijadikan bentuk jamak, ubah -y menjadi -i kemudian ditambah akhiran -es). Example: baby-babies, family-families, puppy-puppies, story-stories, teddy-teddies, fairy-fairies.
*Nouns that have a vowel before the -y are made plural by simply adding -s at the end. ( Kata benda yang ada huruf hidup sebelum -y dibuat dalam bentuk jamak, hanya ditambah akhiran -s). Example: boy-boys, toy-toys, cowboy-cowboys, key-keys, monkey-monkeys.
*Many nouns that end in -f are made plural by changing the -f to -v and adding -es. (Bnyak kata benda yang berakhiran -f dibuat dalam bentuk jamak dengan mengubah -f menjadi -v dan menambahkan akhiran -es).
Example: half-halves, leaf-leaves, shelf-shelves, wolf-wolves, thief-thieves.
But some nouns that end in -f are made plural simply by adding -s.( Tetapi beberapa kata benda yang berakhiran -f hanya ditambah akhiran -s saja) Example: chief-chiefs, roof-roofs, hankerchief-handkerchiefs, cliff-cliffs, puff-puffs.
Some nouns that end in -f can be made plural in two ways.(Beberapa kata benda yang berakhiran -f bisa dibuat jamak dengan 2 cara). Example: scarf-scarfs/scarves, hoof-hoofs/hooves, dwarf-dwarfs/dwarves,.
*Most nouns that end in -fe are made plural by changing the -f to -v and adding -s.( Kebanyakan kata benda yang berakhiran -fe jika dibuat bentuk jamak, mengubah f menjadi v dan ditambah ahkiran -s). Example: knife-knives, wife-wives, life-lives, midwife-midwives.
*Most nouns that end in -o are made plural by adding -s.( Kebanyakan kata benda yang berakhiran -o jika dibuat bentuk jamak hanya menambahkan akhiran -s). Example: video-videos, hippo-hippos, zoo-zoos, kangaroo-kangaroos.
*Most nouns that end in -o are made plural by adding -es.( Kebanyakan kata benda yang berakhiran -o jika dibuat bentuk jamak menambahkan akhiran -es). Example: tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, hero-heroes.
*Some nouns change spelling from the singular form the plural . (Beberapa kata benda berbeda dengan bentuk tunggalnya). Example: man-men, woman-women, child-children, person-people, mouse-mice, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, goose-geese. Note: mouse for computer the plural form can be mice/mouse.
* The plural form of some nouns is the same as the singular. (Kata benda jamak dari beberapa kata benda sama dengan bentuk tunggalnya) Example: sheep-sheep, deer-deer, fish-fish, aircraft-aircraft, salmon-salmon. Note: when you are talking about different kind of fish the plural can be fishes: the various fishes of the Indian Ocean.
*Some nouns are always plural.(Beberapa kata benda yang selalu dalam bentuk jamak). Example: trousers-trousers, shorts-shorts, jeans-jeans, pants-pants, tights-tights, pajamas-pajamas. You can use "a pair of" with these plural nouns. Example: a pair of trousers, a pair of sandals.

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