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Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

Procedure text

Writing a Procedure Text 

  • 2. DEFINITION TEXT is a unit of language expressing meaning contextually Text Limitation is not measured from the contained numbers of sentences or pages Text must consist of the expressed meaning and covered context Text must be compossed with the following pattern : Introduction^Content^Closing Text / Composition belongs to Traditional Grammar Genre belongs to Functional
  • 3. THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TRADITIONAL GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONAL L is a source of composing meaning L is a thing we do L is a set of rule to make sentence L is a thing we know Language View Semantic Syntax Examined Language grade All Text Sentence Analysis Unit How the meaning of a text is made How a sentence must be composed Main Knowledge FUNCTIONAL TRADITIONAL GRAMMAR
  • 4. DIFFICULT ? WE DO NOT KNOW The Problem Goal / Achievement The way of expressing an idea Structure Vocabulary
  • 5. Writing a Procedure Text By Asep Supriadi, S.Pd
  • 6. Set a Goal, Decide the Aim States the purpose of the text ie. How to write a newspaper articles How to make healthy, delicious salad How to take care of your wife(s)? : )
  • 7. Mention the Materials used or Needed List things used, equipment needed, substances required, or object being investigated to achieve the goal set
  • 8. Explain the Steps to Achieve the Goal Mention the actions necessary, listed in order, to complete the experiment or procedure Steps are written on a separate lines and each of them is written as a command
  • 9. The Language Component of A Procedure Text Action Verb , The verb relating to physic or intellectual activities Usually the action verb comes at the beginning of the sentence (Imperative) ie. Plug the cable… Sometimes the sentence begins with a time marker which tells us the order of the steps (Connective of Sequence) then, while, next ie. First , take a deep breath Sometimes the sentence begins with a word, phrase, or clause which tells us when to do the step : ie. When the spot is dry, record the time it has taken Sometimes the sentence begins with a word, phrase, or clause which tells us how to do the step: ie. With a cloth, take the hot saucepan Numbering, Number showing us the order of the activities Passive Voice ( Tobe + V3 )
  • 10. HOW TO OPERATE THE COMPUTER Connect the cable into electricity plug Press the button “Power” on CPU Press the button “Power” on Monitor to display Image Click “Start” Choose the program you need
  • 11. HOW THE COMPUTER IS OPERATED The cable is connected into electricity plug The button ”Power” on CPU is pressed The button “Power” on monitor is pressed “ Start” is clicked The program you need is chosen
  • 12. HOW THE COMPUTER IS OPERATED When the computer is operated, First, the cable is connected into electricity plu. Second, the button “Power” on CPU is pressed. Next, the image is displayed when the button “Power” on monitor is pressed. Then, “Start” is clicked. Finally, The program you need is chosen
  • 14.  
  • 15. Text Type: Procedural Recount Written to record a procedure Procedural recounts have four stages: 1. aim which states the specific purpose 2. record of event which list the actions that happened 3. result which shows the result of the experiment 4. conclusion which states the findings of the experiment
  • 16. The Language Component of Procedural Recounts Present tense is often used in Procedural Recount Conclusion is usually written in the present tense. This is because the results of the experiments are seen to be always true
  • 17. Sample Text Text 1. How to make water evaporate faster First collect the beaker and the petri dish. Collect about 300 ml of water in the beaker. Pour some water into petri dish. Put the sponge in the petri until completely saturated. Squeeze the excess water from the sponge until it stops driiping. Next, carefully press the wet sponge against the chalboard until there is a water spot about 5 cm in diameter on the board. Make another water spot of equal size at some distance from the first spot. Fan the first spot with the piece of cardboard. Do not fan the other water spot. With the watch, time how long it takes each water spot to dry Finally, write down the drying times Text 2 We wanted to grow beans, so we went to the shop and bought a packet of bean seeds. Then we brought them home and planted them in the garden. We watered them every few days and when when they grew we picked them. Then we sent them to the fruit market. Someone bought them and took them home and ate them.

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